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Polyurethane Rods Applications

Perhaps the polyurethane rod is the most popular polyurethane product. Well, this is expected from a product with a vast range of applications, cutting across sectors and industries. 

In this article, we’ll get your fingers on the pulse, as we drill into some of the most popular applications of polyurethane rods.  

So, let’s dive in. 

Polyurethane rods background 

Since its discovery in 1937 and commercialization in 1954, polyurethane has won the hearts of many with its versatility. In fact, market projections forecasted the polyurethane market to experience over $25 billion in growth between 2021 to 2028. 

Polyurethane rod is a popular product of polyurethane. It has positioned itself as the best alternative to rubber. Rubber is prone to sporadic disintegration and early permanent deformation. Hence, you might need to replace it often. The reverse is the case for polyurethane.

Unlike rubber, polyurethane is also flexible. You can make custom rods and tailor them to specific purposes. 


With that said, where exactly can you use polyurethane rods? 

Here are some of the popular industries, where polyurethane rod is an integral part of their operations. 

Automotive industry 

Here, you’ll find polyurethane rods as components of vehicle steering systems to reduce road bumps. It ensures a wide range of movement in the car, minimizing the tendency for poor handling, and unwanted noises. 

The versatility of polyurethane rods makes them suitable for mechanical, seals and gaskets. There are often used as both temperature and sound insulators, as all as a form of shock control. 

The application of PU rods further extends to casters and wheels. They can bear considerable load even more than rubber. This makes them the better alternatives for this application. Besides, PU rods resist abrasion to a great extent. So, you can be sure that your system is neither subject to tear nor scratch risks. 

An underrated feature of PU rods is their vibration absorption property. This is why these materials make excellent noise dampers and shock absorbers. They are available at various hardness ranges. Thus, these applications could span from the use for bumper pads to reducing noise when on the road. 

Agriculture applications 

It’s no surprise that polyurethane rods make excellent plow wear strips. This is also kudos to their superior corrosion resistance, and abrasion resistance. Besides, their ability to bear a considerable load contributes to the reason they work excellently for this application. 


In rollercoasters, you can use polyurethane rods as supports. This is largely due to their superior impact resistance capability. It works especially well when you’re using wooden frames. 

The high strength property of polyurethane rods increases the strength of the roller coaster, thus expanding its impact range and force. 

Polyurethane rods take a step further to be used as escalator wheels. This application is thanks to their superior wear resistance and the ability to bear a considerable load. 

In Closing 

Polyurethane rods are highly important in various industries and niches. So, the popularity they enjoy today is well-deserved. Even better, depending on your needs, you can request tailor-made PU rods, which further cements their versatility. 

For further questions, please contact us at pengde2@pengde-pu.com.

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